You are here: Reports > Retail Agent Reports > Retail Agent Aged Accounts Receivable Report

Retail Agent Aged Accounts Receivable Report

The Retail Agent Aged Accounts Receivable report will show transactions that are unpaid or due from a Retail Agent displayed in aging categories, in detailed or summarized format.

To Generate an Aged Accounts Receivable Details Report 

  1. On the Primary menu, click REPORTS.
  2. On the REPORTS menu, click Reports. The Nexsure Reports dialog box is displayed.

  1. In the Report Type list, select Accounting.
  2. In the Report Category list, select Accounts Receivable
  3. In the Available Reports list, select Retail Agent Aged Account Receivable
  4. Click OK. The summary tab is displayed showing the report selected in the header area.
  1. On the Navigation Toolbar, click New Report Criteria to go to the Nexsure Reports > Report Criteria dialog box.

  1. Under Organization Information, click [Select]. The Nexsure Organization Criteria dialog box is displayed.

  1. In the Nexsure Organization Criteria dialog box, select the desired organization information (in the Region, Territory, Branch, Department, and Unit lists) to query for the report and click Add.  

Note: If the report is being run for the entire organization it is not necessary to make a selection in the Nexsure Organization Criteria dialog box. Only one Region, Territory, or Branch may be selected for each report. When filtering by Department or Unit, add the Branch first then add the Department or Unit. 

Once information has been added to the Include list, it can be removed by selecting the item and clicking Del to remove individual items or Clear to remove all items.

  1. If the organization information is correct, click OK. The organization information selected is added to the Nexsure Reports > Report Criteria screen.
  2. In the Date Information area, select date filters. Date filters are used to set the beginning and ending date of the report. 

The available options are:

  1. In the Retail Agent Information area, click the Ellipsis button to open a list of retail agents to make a selection.

  1. In the Client Information area, click the Ellipsis button to open the Client Name dialog box. Select the client or multiple clients and click the [Select] link to return to the Report Criteria dialog box.

  1. In the Retail Agent Assignment Information area, use the Ellipsis button to open the Assignment Name dialog box. Select the appropriate name.

In the Responsibility list, select the responsibility for the selected assignment name.

  1. In the Grouping / Sorting Options area, make selections to group and sort the report to change the report layout.

The available options are:

  1. In the Aging Options area, select from the following options:

  1. In the Page Break Options area, select whether or not a page break is desired between the Group By [1] headers by selecting Yes or No in the Page Break list..

  1. In the Output Options area, make a selection in the following:

In the Summarize By list, the available options are:

  1. In the Report Format Options area, select one of the options in the Format Type list.

The available formats are:

  1. In the Nexsure Reports > Report Criteria dialog box, click OK. Retail Agent Aged Accounts Receivable report will start compiling. 
  1. To update the compiling status, click Refresh on the navigation toolbar
  1. Once the report Status is Complete, click the View icon to view the report.  

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